architecture : body parallax
YYZ. toronto 1993
winnipeg art gallery 1994
western front vancouver 1992
institut für auslands- beziehungen (IFA) stuttgart 1998
4 stainless steel operating tables, 12 optically refurbished microscopes, 12 microfiches inserted within the microscope, 9 speakers, 1 pressure zone microphone through a delay processor on a tripod.
The elements were constructed to articulate the questions regarding the gathering of the Canadian public, the Prime Ministers Brian Mulroney of Canada with prime ministers from each Canadian provinces to discuss the referendum to include Quebec within the Canadian constitution, the yes or no vote.
Originally produced at the WesternFront gallery in Vancouver when Prime Minister Mulroney was pitching the yes vote to the first Nation in British Columbia.
The installation travelled to Toronto at YYZ gallery which is located adjacent to the insane asylum, Queen 999.
At Winnipeg Art gallery the project was located within the building’s main hall entrance. This location was the original crossing of both rivers where the city was founded, the origin of Winnipeg's settlement.
At I.F.A. Stuttgart the work was sited at the main cross roads where Hitler had a major visionary city plan designed by Albert Speer.
The Microfiches photomontage changed in regards to the sites content. The microfiches for WesternFront’s constructed the body and its representation; natural and artificial identities.
@ colection pinacoteca do estado de são paulo
ADN barcelona 2005